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父亲节你不知道的十大趣闻 15亿位父亲同庆

时间:2016/6/18 7:55:00 来源:网友

1. More than 1.5 billion fathers will be celebrated on Sunday for Father‘s Day.


2. Father‘s Day was actually invented... by a woman! Sonora Smart Dodd proposedthe idea in Washington in 1910. Her mother died during childbirth leaving her father William, a civil war veteran, to raise her and her four siblingsalone.


3. According to greetings card makers Hallmark, Father‘s Day is the fifth-largest card-sending day.


4. In Germany, Father‘s Day is celebrated by getting drunk with wagonsof beer and indulging in regional food.


5. The rose is the official flower of Father‘s Day.


6. Not every country celebrates this occasion in June - In Thailand, Father‘s Day falls on December 5 - the birthday of the current King. In Australia it is the first Sunday of September, while in Finland it is the second Sunday in November.


7. Female shoppers on average spend 50% more on their fathers than men.


8. 3% of fathers living with dependent children are lone fathers.


9. In 2008 thousands of primary pupils in Scotland were prevented from making Father‘s Day cards at school for fear of embarrassing classmates who lived with single mothers.


10. Russian Feodor Vassilyev is thought to be father to the most children. He and his first wife Valentina had sixteen pairs of twins, seven sets of tripletsand four sets of quadrupletsbetween 1725 and 1765 - a total of 69 children. Feodor later had 18 children with his second wife, bringing his grand total to 87. However, some historians have thrown doubt on the claims.


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