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时间:2013/10/24 16:36:00 来源:网友

万圣节英语是什么?万圣节英语怎么说?万圣节的英语是Halloween,万圣节英语一开始并不是翻译成Halloween,万圣节英语最初是All Saints‘ Day,后来演变成Hallowe‘en,即是今天我们所熟知的Halloween。



The word Halloween actually comes from the Catholic church‘s term "All Hallows Eve." All Hallows Day or "All Saint‘s Day" was a Catholic holiday set aside to honor saints on November 1st. Celtic Ireland in the 5th centure BC believed that October 31st was the last day of summer -- calling the holiday Samhain (sow-en), which also started the Celtic New Year.

One story goes that spirits of those who died that year came back that day to find bodies to possess. The villagers would put out their fires and dress up in ghoulish costumes making a lot of noise to scare the spirits away so they would not want to possess their bodies.

The Celtic tribes would later light their fires from one Druidic fire kept burning at Usinach in the middle of Ireland.

The Romans later adopted the Celtic practices. As time went on, they weren‘t so worried about spirits possessing bodies, but they kept dressing up.

Halloween was brought to America in the 1840‘s by Irish immigrant fleeing their country‘s potato famine. New England added pranks like tipping over outhouses and unhinging gates to the practive of dressing up.

"Trick-or-treating" came from a 9th century European custom called "souling." On November 2, All Souls Day, Christians would walk from village to village begging for "soul cakes" made from bread and currants. People would offer paryers for the deceased believing it would speed up a soul‘s passage to heaven. The more cakes given out, the more prayers offered.

相关搜索: 万圣节 西方节日 节日
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