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时间:2016/7/6 16:14:00 来源:网友

     UK - In the wake of the result of the EU referendum last Thursday, what are the short-term consequences for the UK pork sector?Though this decision will have widespread effects on the meat industry in the long term, much will depend on the terms of the UK’s exit. Full details will be unclear until negotiations are concluded. In the meantime, the UK will remain a part of the EU and will continue to be bound by the existing conditions of our membership.Once the result of the referendum was clear, one of the first effects was seen in UK currency. The value of the pound fell sharply against other currencies during the day after the result. Further falls were seen at the beginning of this week, as uncertainties continued. As of 29 June, £1 bought €1.21, down 10 cents since immediately before the referendum result and the lowest level in over two years. Against the US dollar, the pound hit its lowest level since 1985, at £1 = $1.32.


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