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时间:2013/11/12 13:51:00 来源:网友

 (a) Definitions 

  In this section:

  (1) Audit agent

  The term “audit agent” means an individual who is an employee or agent of an accredited third-party auditor and, although not individually accredited, is qualified to conduct food safety audits on behalf of an accredited third-party auditor.

  (2) Accreditation body

  The term “accreditation body” means an authority that performs accreditation of third-party auditors.

  (3) Third-party auditor

  The term “third-party auditor” means a foreign government, agency of a foreign government, foreign cooperative, or any other third party, as the Secretary determines appropriate in accordance with the model standards described in subsection (b)(2), that is eligible to be considered for accreditation to conduct food safety audits to certify that eligible entities meet the applicable requirements of this section. A third-party auditor may be a single individual. A third-party auditor may employ or use audit agents to help conduct consultative and regulatory audits.

  (4) Accredited third-party auditor

  The term “accredited third-party auditor” means a third-party auditor accredited by an accreditation body to conduct audits of eligible entities to certify that such eligible entities meet the applicable requirements of this section. An accredited third-party auditor may be an individual who conducts food safety audits to certify that eligible entities meet the applicable requirements of this section.

  (5) Consultative audit

  The term “consultative audit” means an audit of an eligible entity—

  (A) to determine whether such entity is in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and with applicable industry standards and practices; and

  (B) the results of which are for internal purposes only.

  (6) Eligible entity

  The term “eligible entity” means a foreign entity, including a foreign facility registered under section 350d of this title, in the food import supply chain that chooses to be audited by an accredited third-party auditor or the audit agent of such accredited third-party auditor.

  (7) Regulatory audit

  The term “regulatory audit” means an audit of an eligible entity—

  (A) to determine whether such entity is in compliance with the provisions of this chapter; and

  (B) the results of which determine—

  (i) whether an article of food manufactured, processed, packed, or held by such entity is eligible to receive a food certification under section 381(q) of this title; or

  (ii) whether a facility is eligible to receive a facility certification under section 384b(a) of this title for purposes of participating in the program under section 384b of this title.

  (b) Accreditation system

  (1) Accreditation bodies

  (A) Recognition of accreditation bodies

  (i) In general

  Not later than 2 years after January 4, 2011, the Secretary shall establish a system for the recognition of accreditation bodies that accredit third-party auditors to certify that eligible entities meet the applicable requirements of this section.

  (ii) Direct accreditation

  If, by the date that is 2 years after the date of establishment of the system described in clause (i), the Secretary has not identified and recognized an accreditation body to meet the requirements of this section, the Secretary may directly accredit third-party auditors.

  (B) Notification

  Each accreditation body recognized by the Secretary shall submit to the Secretary a list of all accredited third-party auditors accredited by such body and the audit agents of such auditors.

  (C) Revocation of recognition as an accreditation body

  The Secretary shall promptly revoke the recognition of any accreditation body found not to be in compliance with the requirements of this section.

  (D) Reinstatement

  The Secretary shall establish procedures to reinstate recognition of an accreditation body if the Secretary determines, based on evidence presented by such accreditation body, that revocation was inappropriate or that the body meets the requirements for recognition under this section.

  (2) Model accreditation standards

  Not later than 18 months after January 4, 2011, the Secretary shall develop model standards, including requirements for regulatory audit reports, and each recognized accreditation body shall ensure that third-party auditors and audit agents of such auditors meet such standards in order to qualify such third-party auditors as accredited third-party auditors under this section. In developing the model standards, the Secretary shall look to standards in place on January 4, 2011, for guidance, to avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts and costs.

  (c) Third-party auditors

  (1) Requirements for accreditation as a third-party auditor

  (A) Foreign governments

  Prior to accrediting a foreign government or an agency of a foreign government as an accredited third-party auditor, the accreditation body (or, in the case of direct accreditation under subsection (b)(1)(A)(ii), the Secretary) shall perform such reviews and audits of food safety programs, systems, and standards of the government or agency of the government as the Secretary deems necessary, including requirements under the model standards developed under subsection (b)(2), to determine that the foreign government or agency of the foreign government is capable of adequately ensuring that eligible entities or foods certified by such government or agency meet the requirements of this chapter with respect to food manufactured, processed, packed, or held for import into the United States.

  (B) Foreign cooperatives and other third parties

  Prior to accrediting a foreign cooperative that aggregates the products of growers or processors, or any other third party to be an accredited third-party auditor, the accreditation body (or, in the case of direct accreditation under subsection (b)(1)(A)(ii), the Secretary) shall perform such reviews and audits of the training and qualifications of audit agents used by that cooperative or party and conduct such reviews of internal systems and such other investigation of the cooperative or party as the Secretary deems necessary, including requirements under the model standards developed under subsection (b)(2), to determine that each eligible entity certified by the cooperative or party has systems and standards in use to ensure that such entity or food meets the requirements of this chapter.

  (2) Requirement to issue certification of eligible entities or foods

  (A) In general

  An accreditation body (or, in the case of direct accreditation under subsection (b)(1)(A)(ii), the Secretary) may not accredit a third-party auditor unless such third-party auditor agrees to issue a written and, as appropriate, electronic food certification, described in section 381(q) of this title, or facility certification under section 384b(a) of this title, as appropriate, to accompany each food shipment for import into the United States from an eligible entity, subject to requirements set forth by the Secretary. Such written or electronic certification may be included with other documentation regarding such food shipment. The Secretary shall consider certifications under section 381(q) of this title and participation in the voluntary qualified importer program described in sec

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