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时间:2009/6/10 10:59:00 来源:新浪网

  The UK public is deeply sceptical about scientific claims for what causes or prevents cancer, a poll suggests。


  The YouGov survey of 2,400 people for the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) found more than half thought scientists were always changing their minds。


  More than a quarter said health advice changed constantly and the best approach was to ignore it completely。


  But the WCRF said its advice, including eating more fruit and vegetables, had stayed the same for more than a decade。


  The WCRF says that most scientists agree about the steps people can take to reduce their risk of cancer--and that this advice has largely stayed the same for the last 10 years。


  It is thought that about a third of the most common cancers could be prevented through eating a healthy, balanced diet, being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight。


  Richard Evans, head of communications for WCRF, said: "It is a cause for concern if people are not listening to cancer prevention advice because they have the impression that scientists are always changing their minds。


  Mr Evans admitted there had been some changes to advice in recent years--but these were not abrupt about turns。


  "The problem is that when people hear about a single study suggesting a particular food might be good for us, it is easy to assume scientists are now telling us to start eating it. With the large number of new studies being published, it is perhaps not surprising that people get the impression cancer prevention advice is always changing. "


  Jessica Harris, of the charity Cancer Research UK, said: "Its worrying if so many people think that scientists are constantly changing their minds about how to prevent cancer。


  "Experts across the world agree that the best ways to reduce your risk of cancer are not smoking, keeping a healthy weight, drinking less alcohol, eating a healthy, balanced diet, being physically active. These messages have not changed in recent years and are backed up by convincing evidence built up through decades of research."


  The survey also suggested older people were most cynical about cancer prevention advice。


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