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澳新食品标准法典-1.2.9-易读性要求(Legibility Requirements)

时间:2013/11/28 16:22:00 来源:网友
This Standard sets out general and specific legibility requirements for the labelling of packaged and unpackaged foods.
Table of Provisions
1             Interpretation
2             General requirements
3             Legibility requirements for warning statements
1             Interpretation
In this Standard –
size of typemeans the measurement from the base to the top of a letter or numeral.
2             General requirements
(1)           Unless otherwise expressly permitted by this Code, each word, statement, expression or design prescribed to be contained, written or set out in a label must, wherever occurring, be so contained, written or set out legibly and prominently such as to afford a distinct contrast to the background, and in the English language. 
Editorial note:
The requirements of this Standard will not be met where prescribed information is placed other than on the outside of a package where it is readily accessible by a consumer prior to purchase, and during the life of the product, and not obscured by an outer covering.  The requirements of this Standard will also not be met where prescribed information is printed in a small font so the statement cannot be read easily. 
Within 24 months of the gazettal of this Editorial note, Standard 1.2.9 – Legibility Requirements will be reviewed.
(2)           Where a language other than English is used in addition to the English language on a label on a package of food or in association with a display of food the information in that language must not negate or contradict the information on the label in the English language.
3             Legibility requirements for warning statements
Unless otherwise prescribed in this Code, each word, statement, expression or design prescribed to be contained, written or set out in a warning statement on a label must, wherever occurring, be so contained, written or set out -
(a)          in a size of type of not less than 3mm; or
(b)          in the case of a small package, in a size type of not less than 1.5mm.
Editorial note:
1.       ‘Warning statement is defined in Standard 1.1.1 – Preliminary Provisions – Application, Interpretation and General Prohibitions.
2.       ‘Small package’ is defined in Standard 1.2.1 – Application of Labelling and Other Information Requirements.

相关搜索: 澳洲 要求
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