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时间:2013/12/10 15:05:00 来源:网友

the contract for sino-foreign cooperative joint venture

chapter 1 general provisions

in accordance with the law of the people’’s republic of china on chinese-foreign cooperative joint ventures and other relevant chinese laws andregulations, _______________company and _________company, in accordancewith the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through friendlyconsultations, agree to jointly set up a cooperative venture in _______the people’’s republic of china.

chapter 2 parties of the cooperative venturearticle

1 parties to this contract are as follows: _________company (hereinafterreferred to as party a), registered with ______in china, and its legaladdress is at____________(street)_______(district)_____________(city)_____________china. legal representative: name: position: nationality: ___________company (hereinafter referred to as party b), registeredwith_______. its legal address at___________. legal representative: name: position: nationality: (note: in case there are more than two investors, they will be calledparty c, d... in proper order).

chapter 3 establishment of the cooperative venture company

article 2 in accordance with the cooperative venture law and other relevantchinese laws and regulations, both parties of the cooperative ventureagree to set up ___________cooperative venture limited liability company(hereinafter referred to as the cooperative venture company).

article 3 the name of the cooperative venture company is______________ limitedliability company. the name in foreign language is _________. the legal address of the joint venture company is at__________street________(city)____________province.

article 4 all activities of the cooperative venture company shall be governed bythe laws, decrees and pertinent rules and regulations of the people’’srepublic of china.

article 5 the organization form of the cooperative venture company is a limitedliability company. the profits, risks and losses of the cooperativeventure company shall be shared by the parties according to the relevantprovisions thereafter. chapter 4 the purpose, scope and scale of production and business

article 6 the goals of the parties to the cooperative venture are to enhanceeconomic cooperation technical exchanges, to improve the product quality,develop new products, and gain a competitive position in the world marketin quality and price by adopting advanced and appropriate technology andscientific management methods, so as to raise economic results and ensuresatisfactory economic benefits for each cooperator. (note: this article shall be written according to the specificsituations in the contract).

article 7 the productive and business scope of the cooperative venture companyis to produce ________products; provide maintenance service after the saleof the products; study and develop new products. (note: it shall be written in the contract according to the specificconditions).

article 8 the production scale of the cooperative venture company is as follows: 1. the production capacity after the cooperative venture is put intooperation is _________. 2. the production scale may be increased up to_____________ with thedevelopment of the production and operation. the product varieties may bedeveloped into ____________. (note: it shall be written according to the specific situation).

chapter 5 total amount of investment and the registered capital

article 9 the total amount of investment of the cooperative venture company isrmb____________(or a foreign currency agreed upon by both parties).

article 10 the registered capital of the joint venture company is rmb __________.(exclusive of the right to the use of the site or the right to theexploitation of the natural resources and premises contributed by partya.)

article 11 party a and party b will contribute the following to the cooperativeventure: party a: premises__________m2 the right to the use of the site_________m2 party b: cash ______________yuan machines and equipment ____________yuan industrial property __________yuan others _____________yuan, ___________yuan in all. (note: when contributing industrial property as investment, party aand party b shall conclude a separate contract to be a part of this maincontract).

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