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时间:2017/8/8 15:49:00 来源:食品伙伴网
Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code — 
Schedule 20 — Maximum residue limits Variation Instrument No. APVMA 8, 2017
I, Jason Lutze, Executive Director, Scientific Assessment and Chemical Review and delegate of the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, acting in accordance with my powers under subsection 11(1) of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992, make this instrument for the purposes of subsection 82(1) of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991.
Jason Lutze
Delegate of the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
Dated this Fourth day of August 2017

Part 1                 Preliminary
1                Name of instrument
This instrument is the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code — Schedule 20 -Maximum residue limits Variation Instrument No. APVMA 8, 2017.
2                Commencement
In accordance with subsection 82(8) of the Food Standards Australia New 
Zealand Act 1991, this instrument commences on the day it is published in the Gazette.
Note:              A copy of the variations made by the Amendment Instrument was published in the Commonwealth of Australia Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Gazette No. APVMA 16 of 8 August 2017.
3                Object
The object of this instrument is for the APVMA to make variations to Schedule 20 -Maximum residue limits in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code to include or change maximum residue limits 
pertaining to agricultural and veterinary chemical products. 
4                Interpretation
In this instrument: —
APVMA means the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines 
Authority established by section 6 of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992; and
Principal Instrument means Schedule 20 - Maximum residue limits 
in the Australia New Zealand Food Standard Code as defined in Section 4 of theFood Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 being the Code published inGazette No. P 27 on 27 August 1987 together with any amendments of the standards in that Code. Schedule 20 was published in the Food Standards Gazette FSC 96 on Thursday 10 April 2015 and was registered as a legislative instrument on 1 April 2015 (F2015L00468).
Part 2                 Variations to Schedule 20— Maximum Residue Limits
5                Variations to Schedule 20
The Schedule to this instrument sets out the variations made to the Principal Instrument by this instrument. 

Variations to Schedule 20 – Maximum residue limits
[1]           The table to section S20—3 in Schedule 20 is varied by
[1.1]        omitting from each of the following chemicals, the foods and associated MRLs

Agvet chemical:  Bixafen
Permitted residue—commodities of plant origin:  Bixafen
Permitted residue—commodities of animal origin:  Sum of bixafen and N-(3′,4′-dichloro-5-fluorobiphenyl-2-yl)-3-(difluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxamide (bixafen-desmethyl), expressed as bixafen
Rape seed

[1.2]        inserting for each of the following chemicals the foods and associated MRLs in alphabetical order

Agvet chemical:  Bixafen
Permitted residue—commodities of plant origin:  Bixafen
Permitted residue—commodities of animal origin:  Sum of bixafen and N-(3′,4′-dichloro-5-fluorobiphenyl-2-yl)-3-(difluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxamide (bixafen-desmethyl), expressed as bixafen
All other foods
Cereal grains [except barley; wheat]
Milk fats
Agvet chemical:  Clopyralid
Permitted residue:  Clopyralid
All other foods except animal food commodities
Agvet chemical:  Clothianidin
Permitted residue:  Clothianidin
All other foods except animal food commodities

Agvet chemical:  Flumioxazin
Permitted residue:  Flumioxazin
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