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Codex Stan 247-2005 Codex General Standard For Fruit Juices And Nectars 果汁类和果肉饮料类通用标准

时间:2016/3/24 14:17:00 来源:网友

Codex Stan 247-2005 Codex General Standard For Fruit Juices And Nectars

Codex Stan 247-2005 果汁类和果肉饮料类通用标准

This Standard supersedes individual standards for fruit juices and related products, as indicated below:

Fruit juices preserved exclusively by physical means: orange juice (CODEX STAN 45-1981), grapefruit juice (CODEX STAN 46-1981), lemon juice

(CODEX STAN 47-1981), apple juice (CODEX STAN 48-1981), tomato juice (CODEX STAN 49-1981), grape juice (CODEX STAN 82-1981),

pineapple juice (CODEX STAN 85-1981), blackcurrant juice (CODEX STAN 120-1981) and General Standard for Fruit Juices not covered by

Individual Standards (CODEX STAN 164-1989).Concentrated fruit juices preserved exclusively by physical means: concentrated apple juice (CODEX STAN 63-1981), concentrated orange juice

(CODEX STAN 64-1981), concentrated grape juice (CODEX STAN 83-1981), concentrated labrusca type grape juice, sweetened (CODEX STAN

84-1981), concentrated blackcurrant juice (CODEX STAN 121-1981) and concentrated pineapple juice (CODEX STAN 138-1983).

Concentrated fruit juices with preservatives for manufacturing: concentrated pineapple juice (CODEX STAN 139-1983).

Fruit nectars preserved exclusively by physical means: apricot, peach and pear nectars (CODEX STAN 44-1981), guava nectar (CODEX STAN 148-1985), non-pulpy blackcurrant nectar (CODEX STAN 101-1981), pulpy nectars of certain small fruits (CODEX STAN 122-1981), nectars of certain citrus fruits (CODEX STAN 134-1981), General Standard for Fruit Nectars not covered by Individual Standards (CODEX STAN 161-1989) and liquid pulpy mango products (CODEX STAN 149-1985).Guidelines: Guidelines for Mixed Fruit Juices (CAC/GL 11-1991) and Guidelines for Mixed Fruit Nectars (CAC/GL 12-1991).(请下载附件)

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