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Part 1.2 定义(Definitions)

时间:2014/9/17 16:24:00 来源:网友


2.—(1)  In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires —

“container” includes any form of packaging of food for sale as a single item, whether by way of wholly or partly enclosing the food or by way of attaching the food to some other article and in particular includes a wrapper or confining band;

“date-marking”, in relation to a prepacked food, means a date permanently marked or embossed on the package, or on the label on the package signifying the expiry date of that food;

“expiry date”, in relation to a prepacked food, means the date after which the food, when kept in accordance with any storage conditions set out on the label of that food, may not retain its normal wholesomeness, nature, substance and quality;

“food additive” includes —


all substances, which are components of food, the intended use of which results or may reasonably be expected to result, directly or indirectly, in their affecting the characteristics of food but does not include any foreign substance mixed with food as a result of contamination, or improper handling of the food during the preparation, processing, packing or storage of the food; and


anti-caking agents, anti-foaming agents, anti-oxidants, sweetening agents, chemical preservatives, colouring matters, emulsifiers or stabilizers, flavouring agents, flavour enhancers, humectants, nutrient supplements, sequestrants and other general purpose food additives;

[S 195/2011 wef 15/04/2011]

“infant” means a person not more than 12 months of age;

“package” includes every means by which food may be cased, enclosed, contained or packed;

“prepacked” means packed or made up in advance ready for sale in a wrapper or container, and where any food packed or made up in a wrapper or container is found on any premises where such food is packed, kept or stored for sale, the food shall be deemed to be prepacked unless the contrary is proved, and it shall not be sufficient proof of the contrary to show that the food had not been labelled in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations;

“premises” means a building or part thereof and any forecourt, yard or place of storage used in connection with a building or part thereof and includes, in relation to dairies and farms, any land other than building;

[S 493/2013 wef 01/08/2013]

“young children” means persons who are more than 12 months but not more than 36 months of age.

[S 493/2013 wef 01/08/2013]

(2)  In these Regulations, the symbols specified in the first column of the following table shall have the meanings specified in relation to those symbols in the second column of the table:

First column
Second column
degrees in Celsius scale of temperature
international units
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